19 May 2021
22:00 (more or less)


We all know what photosynthesis is. We bet some of you also know biocatalysis or, like us, googled it just to refresh your memory (right?). Well with this event we will dive, or rather (let's be honest) dip our toes in the realm of photobiocatalysis, where light meets chemistry and where David Cannella is cooking up next generation biobased products to make our future greener! This event is free of charge and open to all: all you need to do is save the date and join us on our YouTube channel. See you there!
Photobiocatalysis: when light meets chemistry
David Cannella
Ass. Professor
ULB, PhotoBioCatalysis Unit
What happens when sunlight meets an enzyme? Is it love at the first sight? Light-driven reactions were probably the very first happening on primordial Earth and contributed to generating the reservoir of prebiotic molecules necessary to the evolution of life. Since then, light and photosynthesis have produced everything we admire in nature, a 3.4-billion-year-old marriage (still on-going). This is the manual to look at if we want to harness the very first source of renewable energy available. In my research lab we couple light energy to enzymes that can transform bio-resources into useful biomolecules, biomaterials, and biofuels.