Brussels Beer Project and Pint of Science Belgium present: THE SCIENCE OF PINTS!
A series of events dedicated to the science behind beer! In the spirit of Pint of Science, two speakers will bring you behind the curtain of brewing!
Feel free to ask them all the questions you want and be ready to participate in the half-time quiz to be nominated the Beer Master of the night! (and win some gadgets and beers, of course!) ; Stay tuned to receive more information about the speakers and the subject of their talks.
Flavours and Molecules
Michiel Schreurs
PhD student at Leuven institute for beer research
Leuven institute for beer research
Beer is pretty great! But can we make it even better? Having thousands of unique compounds with their own distinct flavour is quite a mouthful. Thankfully, we don’t taste every single one of them individually. Instead, they contribute to a global flavour. This leads to surprising things: very unpleasant flavours can still have a positive effect on beer, and one aroma can change how we perceive another.
This talk is about beer flavours, how they influence each other and how we can use this to improve our recipes. Be warned: you may get excited about bad beer!

Into the woods: studying barrel-ageing of (sour) beer
Sofie Bossaert
Laboratory for Process Microbial Ecology and Bioinspirational Management (PME&BIM) of KU Leuven
Throughout the maturation of beer in wooden barrels, various flavour compounds emerge in the beer that either originates from the wood itself, from beverages previously stored in the barrels, or from microorganisms associated with the wood.
This presentation will walk you through the interactions found in the beer-making process, and how we managed to reproduce a beer maturation ecosystem in a lab to better study it!