After the great success of the first night, Brussels Beer Project and Pint of Science Belgium present:
In the spirit of Pint of Science, two speakers will bring you behind the curtain of brewing!
Feel free to ask them all the questions you want and be ready to participate in the half-time quiz to be nominated the Beer Master of the night! (and win some gadgets and beers, of course).
Cheers to more fresh beers: Why freshness matters
Jessika De Clippeleer
Associate Professor in Brewing and Technology of Fermentation Processes
Ghent University
The beer is pretty great, but fresh beer is even better! Already in the early storage stages of almost all bottled beers, the disappearance of pleasant fresh beer flavour characteristics is accompanied by the accelerated development of undesirable staling flavours. Given the increasing importance of export and the ever-intensifying competition in the international market, long-term fresh beer flavour stability is a prerequisite.
This talk will merge you into the science behind beer flavour stability. Not knowing how to achieve beer flavour stability becomes the major obstacle you will want to overcome!
The role of non-aromatic compounds in beer
Niels Langenaeken
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry
KU Leuven
The malt brings so much more to the table than only food for the yeast. Carbohydrates, protein, fibres, polyphenols, and minerals… all impact the quality of your final brew. Prepare for a molecular trip about beer texture, foaming and caloric values!