We told you we might organise an online event... And here it is, sooner than expected! :) Be ready for the first of a series of online events brought to you by our quarantined teams! On Thursday, we take you on a night out-in… It's a Couch of Science!
It's not because we cannot gather in a nice cafe that we can't science together! This session will be built around COVID-19 pandemic (or coronavirus, or rona, or the beast, name it as you wish). The format is experimental and will be made of discussions, demonstrations, interview, quizzes... All that supported by the latest scientific inputs about the virus. It is time to wipe out the shady news your aunt is posting on Facebook and answer the burning questions we all have.
We will be online for about one hour on our Facebook page and in English, don't hesitate to send us questions and interact with us during the stream. As we said, it's the first one and you can certainly expect more like that in the future, but we will talk about all that later... For now, we see you on your couch Thursday 2nd of April at 5:30 pm 👋
Click here, join the event
and don't forget to train and test your sofa before.